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Happy Single Mums is designed to be an online community of single mothers who are socially connecting, supporting and empowering themselves on a non-judgemental platform.


Here we create an enabling environment for single mothers to shed general misconceptions about themselves and develop confidence in who they are. While practical and effective tips on parenting and living as a single mother is shared on a consistent basis, a more structured approach was required if these women were to get a better chance at succeeding.


That structure is what we call the HSM (Happy Single Mothers) Academy.

Our Vision

To be the foremost global resource for single mothers

Our Vision

To consistently create an equal opportunity for single mothers and their families to thrive in today's modern world.


Our core values lie at the heart of our mission. Apart from being particularly focused on single mothers and their families, we also power our vision with Creativity, Equity, Integrity and Sustainability.

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