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/Health & Body​/Communication​


The art of Coaching in a Nutshell is working with someone to help  them identify, uncover, and develop the amazing human potentials  they possess.It provides support to individuals wishing to make some  form of significant change happen within their lives.



As a Life coach I can help take you from where you are today to where you want to be tomorrow. The speed and ease with which you can reach your goals and grow in life is accelerated when you work with a coach as myself.


A fundamental principle behind coaching is that each person knows best what they want. Call it gut-feel, intuition, or a hunch you generally do know what you want or don’t want at some level. It may not be at a conscious level, or worse yet it may be well hidden but at your very core you do know.


When considering a particular area of life, be it career, family, relationships, health, and you  fall into one of Three camps:


1. I don’t know what I want;
2. I know what I want, but don’t know how to get it;
3. I know what I want and how to get it, but something keeps holding me back


then you are in need of a coach to help you examine what is going on , discover what your obstacles or challenges are, and choosing an effective course of action to make your life be what you want it to be.


Private Life Coaching

Seminars & Workshops



Abodunrin Coaching

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