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FROM ME TO YOU… (Words of encouragement

I have met all sorts of people, the good the bad and the ugly. I have hated, regretted and wished my life would end at some point in time. There were even phases when my life seemed like a mistake, but now the perception is really different.

That’s how life is; if you live in the moment of your trying periods and challenges, you will experience a troubling and torturous life simply because you might never live above your circumstance. It is not new to experience challenges but what is new, is knowing how to overcome it and one way out of living above your circumstance is to tell yourself that “this phase shall soon pass”. With that, your giving yourself hope that no one and I mean no one can give you that. You’re helping yourself have strength to pass through the hurdle, at least that way you won’t tremble and fall when the going seems too hot to bear. Always keep in mind you can and will get over this circumstance.

Pain is unavoidable, regret cannot be escaped, anger will defiantly slip in but hope is the gift that you alone can give yourself to understand the phases of life. Don’t get me wrong, of course people will encourage you, can even be there for you to assist and help you pass through the different hurdles of life you phase but none of them can change your believe system except you. You can let them help and when you do such, is when you accept and tell yourself what you have heard from them, but at the end it still boils down to you for a remarkable change and strength.

No matter how weak you see yourself as or feel you might be, you are the only strength you’ve got (of course with the help of the Holy Spirit). Your are your only hope, no one else can take you to where you want to go, they can assist you, push you, encourage but can’t take you. So from now on I would love you to stand up tall and tell yourself that you are the best thing you’ve got. Believe me with this no matter the circumstance you will be able to pass through it without bruising emotionally so much as you would have before.

So take a stand today and determine a change in the way you see, feel and believe about yourself because I know that you are the strongest person alive.



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